Have you ever wondered the difference between your conscious and subconscious self?

A few months ago, while working for my thesis on an exciting yet difficult topic of mental health and its genetic relationship, I become more aware of MY thought processes and behaviors. I remember when I sat there proofreading my report the night before submission, I came to an interesting conclusion about my thesis content. While most of the subject matter was consciously written, some aspects were interestingly the product of my subconscious while consciously making an effort to study! 

During my project, while interviewing dozens of people and researchers on their expression of anger and stress, I was often asked this question. So, is my anger and stress a result of my genes? To which I casually responded; Isn’t everything a result of your genes?

We often like to shoulder our blame on someone or something when we experience adverse emotions like pain, sorrow, disbelieve or depression. Like everything is a consequence of something; my circumstances, my job, my country, my grade or a matter of fact my Genes. Subconsciously it gives you a sense of relief, to NOT be the cause of adversity. But even though when we deny it consciously, our subconscious self is well-aware of the reality…

The more I grow, learn and communicate, the more I become aware of my conscious and subconscious self. Although they are two different entities but with very close affinity. If I feed myself with negativity consciously, my subconscious self harbors it, which is then reciprocated in my dreams, behavior, agitation or to an extreme end depression or anxiety.

As for the thesis results, my and most published data suggested that if you possess the ‘AA’ code in your genes you are more prone to be angry and stressed rather than the ‘AC’ or ‘CC’ code. But the question here arises, what does ‘prone to be’ imply?

As to answer this question, I would suggest exploring your conscious and subconscious self, and when you find the answer celebrate the MIRACLE inside you and thank your Lord for when He said; ‘Do they not think deeply (in their own selves) about themselves?” (30:8)

P.S. For those of you interested in learning more about my Thesis 2017


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